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Jun 1, 2010

What my man loves from Timeless Skin Solutions ...

Kate’s boyfriend … Laser Hair Removal

"Shave my neck". How many times has your husband or boyfriend asked, "Will you shave my neck please?" This is not an unreasonable request but I still find myself thinking, sure, I will absolutely shave your neck, when it’s not 10:00 at night and I’m busy finishing up with the dishes, reading a journal article or more likely watching Grey’s Anatomy! It seems to be a source of frustration for him and he has expressed multiple times his interest in getting rid of the hair for good! I am not unsympathetic to my significant others plight. We all know how fast hair grows, some of us shave in the morning and by the end of the day we think to ourselves, did I really forget to shave my legs again? Laser hair removal is the perfect solution for removing unwanted hair from men’s necks, backs and shoulders. It’s also perfect for us women to remove unwanted hair from our lips, chins, bikini area and legs just to name a few!

Amanda’s boyfriend … Clarisonic Brush

Men tend to have thicker oilier skin and significantly larger pores than women do. Basically, this means in order for men to keep their pores clear and their skin healthy and looking good men really need to cleanse their skin morning and night, although as we know many men do not take the time to do this. I have one of "them" at home who much to my utter dismay has been known to wake up in the morning and head out the door without even washing his face. His biggest hesitation is mostly time versus using products that he views as feminine. Needless to say, a regimen comparable to mine or yours is just not going to happen! Much to my surprise the one “product” I use and was unable to stop him from using is my Clarisonic brush. In his words " It’s just easy to use and I can tell a difference when I use it." The Clarisonic brush can actually be used in the shower where most men like to wash their faces anyways. It is waterproof and holds a charge for up to a week so it’s not inconvenient or time consuming in the least.

Kristy’s husband … SkinMedica’s Essential Serum

I have been using SkinMedica’s Essential Serum for over a year now and I absolutely love the results. I combine it with my Obagi skin care routine and I could not be happier with how my skin looks. I guess my husband feels the same way because I have noticed that my products seem to keep migrating over to his side of the bathroom sink. Not only did I notice the movement of my products but I also noticed that his skin really looks great. He loves the Essential Serum because it is the perfect product for men. Why? It's simple, one pump, once a day. What man wouldn’t love the ease of that skin care routine? Not only is it easy but they WILL see results! Don’t let them fool you, men like to look refreshed and rejuvenated too!

Allyson’s husband … Laser Hair Removal

My husband has been dealing with hair removal on his back and shoulders for all of his adult life...until he met me! After getting him into the office for a series of laser hair removal he no longer has to struggle with "manscaping" and all the annoyances that go along with it. And, what's even better than that is I no longer am stuck shaving his back every time the summer rolls around or it's time to go on vacation! Truly a win/win for the whole family!

Lynsey’s boyfriend … Laser Genesis

My boyfriend recently had a work related accident that left what I believed to be a small scar above his right eye. He was very self conscious about the scar and decided to come to Dr. Clinton. Even with one laser genesis treatment, he's thrilled that the scar is less noticeable and is already feeling much better about something that I barely noticed. This treatment also led him to start asking questions about the products that I was using for my face. Even though my bottles of Obagi product are emptying more quickly because my boyfriend is discretely using my product, I'm glad that between the products I have at home and the treatments he's scheduling in the office that he's feeling better about himself (and maybe I can even get him in here for the things I want him to try out!)

Sun Safety Information and Tips

Dr. Carol wants to make sure everyone understands how to be safe in the sun. Please review the following information regarding Sun Safety and Ultraviolet Index (UV) Alerts.

Sun safety tips for everyday
Please be sure to do multiple layers of these tips on days that have a UV Alert.

Remember the "S" for sun safety:

Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible.

Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.

Slap on a hat that protects your face, head, neck and ears.

Seek shade.

Slide on some sunglasses. Recommend sunglasses that reflect or filter out 99-100 % of UVA and UVB light, with wavelengths up to 400 nanometers (nm). Sunglasses which meet this requirement are often labeled as "UV 400.

A UV Alert is issued when the UV Index forecast is 3 or above, a level that can damage your skin and lead to skin cancer. The higher the index value, the greater the potential for damage to your skin. Extra care should always be taken between 10am and 3pm when UV levels reach their peak.

Please note the following conditions that increase the amount of UV light:
1. Time of day (peak 10am-2pm)
2. Reflective surfaces such as water or snow and sand
3. Cloud cover has a small diminishing effect on UV radiation
4. Closeness to equator
5. Altitude

Always make sunscreen part of your daily skin care routine!