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Jun 25, 2009

Calling all Sun Lovers and Reformed Sun Lovers

So maybe you haven’t done the best job with sunscreen this summer, or in your youth. You can reverse aging with medication. Move over Botox!

Who would think that you could treat both cancer and wrinkles at the same time? A new study out from the University of Michigan has shown this is possible!

A chemotherapy drug used to treat colon, pancreas and head and neck cancers has also been shown to reverse the signs of aging. In a small study that included 21 patients, researchers found that the drug, called fluorouracil, reduced the appearance of sun-damaged areas after being applied for just two weeks, the Daily Telegraph reported. The research from the University of Michigan shows that the drug works by causing damage to skin cells, forcing the body to rebuild them, in much the same way as laser treatment.

The study involved volunteers between the ages of 56 and 85 who applied cream made from the drug to their skin twice a day for two weeks. After the two weeks were up, dermatologists reviewed before and after pictures of the patients and found the cream had reduced both fine and course wrinkles, as well as age spots.

Fluorouracil is already used as a prescription skin treatment for actinic keratosis, which is a precancerous skin lesion that is caused by frequent and intense exposure to the sun. The findings are published in the journal Archives of Dermatology.

Other medications are available to help reverse the signs of aging, while at the same time treating actinic keratosis. A common laser procedure when combined with Levulan, a topical medication, can achieve similar results. Downtime for flourouracil will extend through the course of treatment and until healing is complete about a week after completing the course. The Levulan treatment, known as PDT, has about a 3 day period of downtime. Both treatments can be repeated over time. You can use them on the face or other areas of the body. So you pick: PDT or flourouracil and you are on your way to healthier, more youthful skin!