As my 25th birthday quickly approaches (tomorrow, AH!) I've been treating myself to preventative-aging procedures to take care of some of the fine lines that I had on my forehead. I was so happy with the results from those treatments I figured it was time to move on. I have a bad case of what I like to call "Jay Leno Chin". The muscle on my chin is so strong that it both makes my chin look larger than it actually is and makes the skin below crease under into an unattractive line that from a profile view can be mistaken for another chin (thanks for passing that on, Dad). Dr. Carol took me into her room and after two small injections I was on my way to subtracting a chin.
The rumor out there is that Dysport has a faster onset than Botox. In our practice we've noticed it's a Coke/Pepsi situation, it works differently for different patients, some people like it better than Botox and vice versa. At first I was confused as far as how many units I needed. Dr. Carol explained to me that I would need 2-3 times as many units of Dysport as I would with Botox, but with the lower price of Dysport will make my final total comparable to Botox. With the current Dysport challege (a $75 rebate!) it gave me the incentive to try this product and decide for myself what worked best for me. Whoever is injecting you (Dr. Carol or Allyson) can give you a better idea of how many units you would need, which product would be best for your body and what is the most cost effective for whatever your budget may be.
I've had the Dysport in my chin for about 3 weeks now and though others may not notice the difference, the way I feel about the way I look is monumental. As far as the "loving it" or "leaving it" put me down for love!