Vacations can be fun, exciting and let’s not forget…stressful!
Today is the day before I embark on my vacation, a western Caribbean cruise! I am trying to get my bags packed, my camera and ipod charged and not forget any of the items I cannot live without. Last week I asked the other Timeless staff members to not only give me advice for packing, but to let me know what products they cannot live without! Most of us are on a full skincare regimen, and with airport security, it is tough to take it all! Take for example one of our patients who had their full Obagi regimen in their carry on and when stopped by airport security and told to “throw it away” she said she would rather miss her flight!
So what should you take on vacation?
Here is what our staff has to say:
Allyson Sterling
My last trip was to Grand Cayman. I don't leave home without my Clarisonic Brush! The charge lasts about 3 to 4 weeks and I would be lost without it. I also packed my Skin Medica Facial Cleanser, which removes make-up and cleanses skin all at once. My other must-haves include Obagi's 20% Vitamin C, a great antioxidant to help balance out the damaging rays of the sun, and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with SPF, a great 3-in-1 product to moisturize, protect and promote healing for sun exposed skin.
Kristy Suttle
My last trip was to Drummond Island, Michigan located off the Upper Peninsula. My bag contains no make-up because it is an extremely relaxed vacation in rustic cabins on Lake Huron - besides after using Obagi and Latisse I don't feel the need for cover-up or mascara! The things I would not travel without ... my Clarisonic Brush, sunscreen and skincare products (Obagi and Skin Medica Essential Serum).
Mary Beth Estwanik
This is easy … My next trip will be to Bermuda. My bag will include my Clarisonic Brush and my new Opal!! Next in goes my Obagi Gentle cleanser and toner, Elastiderm eye cream, Obagi sunscreen 35, TNS Essential Serum, and SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with 20 SPF. Last but not least, my Latisse. Jane Iredale liquid mineral makeup, blush and assorted cosmetics complete my bag. To keep the sun off my face I always have a big beach hat in my carry on. My best travel tip. If it is important to you --- make certain it goes in your carry-on bag. It's AMAZING how many things you can fit in one of those roll on bags!
Amanda Logan
My last trip was probably to Spain? I can't remember because it’s been so terribly long since I went anywhere but I am going in August so I can let you know what I will be taking with me! I always pack a good moisturizing cream for the plane ride because my skin gets dried out …I like SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair for my face and Chapstick (my favorite-is l'occitane with shea butter). I don't travel anywhere without my Clarisonic Brush - the best part is that it holds a charge for up to 3 to 4 weeks. I will also bring along SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer because it is a moisturizer and sunscreen! Once on the ground, in the humid climate, I would use my Clarisonic every day, the Anthelios Shaka SPF 60 for my face and the Anthelios 60 for my body. For the evenings I would choose something light like SkinMedica’s Ultra Sheer or Hydrating Complex!
Lynsey Strouse
My last trip was to New York this past Thanksgiving. I was not working at Timeless Skin Solutions at the time so in my bag I brought as many tubes of Chapstick that I could find because it's ridiculously windy between those massive buildings! My next trip is to Las Vegas. I will bring lots of sunscreen because with my fair skin I will need it!
Dr. Carol
My last trip was to Georgetown with my daughter for a college visit. Quite simply, when I travel I always have in my bag a Clarisonic brush, Essential Serum and Obagi products.
Kate Amicon
As you read this blog post I am on my way to the Caribbean! I have taken with me my Obagi Clenziderm products, SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer, SkinMedica’s Hydrating Complex and of course the Clarisonic Brush…which by the way I will pack in my checked luggage and not in my carry on because the last time I put it through the scanner... I received the weirdest looks!