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Nov 9, 2010
7 Day Diary of a Chemical Peel
Day 1: Allyson applied the chemical peel at the end of my work day. It's a quick and fairly simple process that involved Allyson washing my face and applying several layers of a chemical solution. During the entire process she check pointed with me to insure that I was comfortable. Within a timeframe of about 10 minutes I was done with instructions that I should wait about 5 hours and then I could wash the chemical solution off my skin. In that first 5 hours I did experience some itching, however it was nothing that a glass of wine didn't help.
Day 2: My face appeared a bit pink but other than that I don't think anyone would know that I had done a chemical peel one day earlier. I passed on wearing make up and instead just applied SkinMedica's Ceramide cream.
Day 3: A repeat of day 2.
Day 4: Let the peeling begin. I first started to peel around my mouth and on my chin. All fears were diverted. I did not kook like some reptile shedding their skin, instead my skin was just very lightly flaking off. I was in the office but choose not to wear makeup. Again, I just kept my ceramide cream close by to conceal my flaking skin.
Day 5: More flaking but still not in the fashion of a reptile.
Day 6: With most of my peeling complete I decided that my Clarisonic brush was the perfect answer to loosen and remove any remaining peeling skin.
Day 7: Results as advertised! My skin is glowing. I have that fresh, dewy look to my skin. Would I do it again? You bet. Will I share my secret with my friends? Of course! Am I going to make this part of my maintenance routine for my skin? Why wouldn't I? A chemical peel is quick, painless, affordable and produces results!
Check out the Timeless Skin Solutions website to learn more about chemical peels and other skin rejuvenation options.
Nov 4, 2010
A "Timeless" Weekend
I do NOT travel much, which is why I packed a small suitcase for my conference with what I thought would be the bare minimum for three nights. I had a few business casual dresses, the token workout clothes and bathing suit, which were never used, my hair straightener, a bag full (okay two bags full) of toiletries, makeup and my Timeless skin care products like my favorite SkinMedica Aha Bha cream which I use religiously.
In this tiny suitcase I also fit other non-negotiable items like a large bottle hairspray for my newly cut bangs that I DO NOT know how to style correctly and a some paper and pens for writing lots of good notes! I was extremely proud of myself for fitting everything I needed into one small suitcase because that meant I could avoid checking my bag.
When I arrived at the airport I started to panic because although I planned on not checking my bag, I did not really think about what that meant. I kid you not, I started to sweat. What did I even pack? All of my skin care products have to be over the 3oz limit. Would I have to leave them behind? Would I have to pick and choose what to keep and what to get rid of?
Of course everyone knows what is bag got stopped during the security process at the Columbus airport. This always happens to me. I must have had a look of guilt as I wonder if they are going to dig around in my bag and find my tweezers. They were not concerned with my tweezers, although they should have been because anyone who owns a pair of tweezerman tweezers knows that they could substitute for a weapon in a pinch....pun intended!
They were also not concerned about my skin care products…thank god because I would prefer to miss my plane over throwing those babies out. I actually know someone who politely told security at the airport that she would rather miss her plane than throw out her skincare products because they cost more than her plane ticket.
What did not make it through airport security was the aerosol hair spray. Since I don’t know how to style my bangs anyway, I will just pin them back. Crisis averted. Throw it out!
I got to the hotel late Thursday evening and I was exhausted but excited for the weekend to begin. I was not only excited to go on this trip because it meant 2 nights at an amazing hotel and fantastic views of Carlsbad (although that didn’t hurt ☺), I was also looking forward to meeting the people responsible for making some of the products that Dr. Clinton and all of us at Timeless Skin Solutions really believe in. I was not disappointed. It ended up being a great opportunity for me to further my knowledge regarding skin care, acne and anti-aging in general, but it also provided me with the opportunity to talk with the SkinMedica’s research and development team about the science and clinical studies behind their products. During the course of the weekend I spent hours getting advanced training on all things skin…It was great to learn different uses and applications for various skin rejuvenation ingredients and products which we at Timeless will pass along to our patients.
The staff of Timeless Skin Solutions is committed to give our patients the best in non-surgical, skin rejuvenation options and will continue to attend training seminars not only in Columbus but in other parts of the Country. Personally, I have to say that attending a conference on skin care, knowing that I will be able to help Timeless patients look their best, did not seem like work!
Let me share more of what I learned with you personally. Contact me at to setup a skin care consultation so Timeless can keep you looking and feeling your best.
James Krone, SR. Director of Sales at SkinMedica and I at the dinner reception after the seminar!
Soon to be posted….Two Timeless employees journey to Hawaii for a continuing education seminar
Sep 24, 2010
50 at 30 - to keep me 30 at 50!!!
Botox and Dysport are both injectable solutions used to smooth wrinkles which are caused by muscular contraction. And, yes, they both work and they are both great! Both products work by temporarily relaxing the muscles of facial expression which are responsible for drawing the skin together and creating lines or wrinkles.
We use Botox and Dysport to treat frown lines between brows, fine lines on the forehead, eyes and lips, as well as “bunny lines” on the sides of the nose, the fine lines around the mouth and chin dimpling. Among other things, these products can also be used to smooth “necklace lines” and prevent the lines that result from the down-turning of the mouth. The treated muscles will progressively relax over the course of the several days following the injection and will reach their maximum degree of relaxation within about 5-10 days. The effects of Botox or Dysport gradually start to wear off between 2-3 months after the injection and most patients find that to maintain their treatment they need to be re-injected about every 3 months. As always, these figures can vary greatly depending on the patient.
At Timeless Skin Solutions, the cost of Botox and Dysport is priced by the unit rather than by the area as some other practices do. Each patient has their own individual needs for optimal treatment and we feel that each patient’s needs are best met with the exact amount that is appropriate for each patient's unique situation, i.e. muscle strength, patient desires and severity of lines or wrinkles.
So, what are the differences between Botox and Dysport? Well, to be honest, not too much! Botox has been used effectively for cosmetic purposes in the United States for many years, whereas Dysport’s approval for cosmetic use has been more recent (although it has been used safely for many years throughout Europe and many other countries worldwide). However, while they are similar in function, they are not the same drug. They have different dosages and may effect patients differently. While both compounds have good patient satisfaction, some patients have noticed clinical differences such as duration of onset and duration of effect.
Thank goodness for Botox and Dysport! Here’s to smooth, healthy and beautiful skin!
Sep 16, 2010
Don't go to bed naked!
Let me clarify. Feel free to wear, or not wear, whatever you would like on your body, but when it comes to your skin listen to the doctor's orders.
What does Dr. Clinton suggest?
Dr. Clinton recommends her patients apply a product that contains Vitamin A to their skin on a regular basis. Vitamin A is a key ingredient in skin rejuvenation and anti-aging products. Dr. Clinton is very excited about SkinMedica's new Tri-Retinol Complex ES.
What's so great about this particular product?
Tri-Retinol Complex is clinically proven to repair and regenerate the skin. With three forms of vitamin A in a retinoid formulation of 1.10% this product will:
- Diminish the appearance of fine lines and coarse wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.
- Stimulate cell regeneration and cellular turnover to enhance skin tone and texture and reduce age spots.
- Encourage improved skin elasticity and firmness and minimize collagen loss.
Sounds pretty amazing, right? Well to be honest it is!
I forgot to mention that Tri-Retinol Complex gradually releases into the skin delivering all the benefits of a traditional Retin A product without the skin irritation Retin A's are known for. This is truly a new favorite of the staff at Timeless Skin Solutions.
Want to know more? Ask Dr. Carol
or stop into the office.Sep 9, 2010
Special Life Moments
Jul 26, 2010
As a new Mom, efficiency is KEY! The most I can get done in the least amount of time is my constant goal. That's why Skin Medica's TNS Essential Serum and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with SPF are two of my faves! They both pack a powerful punch by combining multiple ingredients into one product. Beautiful! TNS Essential Serum is an AWESOME anti-aging product and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer is the perfect daytime sunscreen. Both are staples in my skincare regimen!
Kristy’s Pick …
I’m a gadget person so my favorite products have to be my Clarisonic Opal and Clarisonic Brush. Honestly I was doubtful that either could make a difference in my skin but they have!
Don’t believe me? Stop in the office and check out my 47 year old skin! It looks pretty darn good.
I use the Clarisonic Opal morning and night around the eye area – and when I am out of the eye serum contained in the Opal I simply use my Obagi Elastiderm Eye Gel - another favorite. After I am done with the eye area I move on to my upper lip area. Although the Opal is designed for around the eye I figure it can’t hurt to infuse a little product into the upper lip area where women my age start to form lines!
The Clarisonic Brush is perfect to remove that extra layer of sunscreen I have been applying to my face all summer along with any dead skin cells that need a bit of help sloughing off. Better yet the products I am using can penetrate my skin better making them 30% more effective.
The best is that you can buy them both this week and save $113!
Amanda’s Pick …
I have been dealing with small breakouts off and on for about 6 months now and it took quite a while to find something that worked well for my skin. After trying to self medicate and do things my way, I took Dr. Clinton’s advice and found haven in the SkinMedica Acne Toner and the Derma-RX Blemish Spot treatment. I have to be honest, someone with more severe and persistent acne problems would probably need a more revved up skin care regimen, but this turned out to be the perfect combination for me. The Purifying Toner contains 2% Salicylic Acid and is gentle and non-drying. I use it twice a day right after washing and it leaves my skin with a nice tingly clean feeling. The Blemish Spot treatment is a really neat little concoction made of Sulfur, Salicylic Acid and Zinc Oxide. I use it at night before bed and just sleep in it, and if I wake up with a new pimple I put it on while I’m getting ready and take it off before putting on my makeup. It really dries up my pimples fast and I love it!
Kate's Pick ...
I have always had acne prone skin, so thick luxurious moisturizers or sunscreens are on my list of things to avoid. It wasn't until I came across SkinMedica’s AHA/BHA Cream that I was able to introduce a moisturizer into my life! This cream boasts the power to exfoliate, revitalize and protect skin with a combination of 15% alpha-and beta-hydroxy acids as well as antioxidants. I started using it at nighttime to help with some of the texture and dryness that I was getting from other acne fighting products and now I’m hooked! It is basically a blend of both glycolic and salicylic acid delivered in the form of a moisturizer. I use it 1-2 times daily and notice that it not only provides my skin with the hydration it needs but has made my makeup go on smoother as well.
Jul 15, 2010
Freshen Up Your Face!

Putting on foundation can be a blessing and a curse. It can temporarily cover up uneven skin tones, be a great base for eye make up, or if you're like my two male roommates, it's a great thing to take from my make up case to cover up a zit before a date (of course they never remember to return it!). For me, unfortunately, it can also cake onto the fine blond "peach fuzz" that I have on my face. Considering that lasers used for hair removal are unable to remove these fine hairs I was okay with just ignoring this minor annoyance (to be removed by a laser, hair you want removed must have pigment, so blond, red, gray and white hairs are not good candidates for laser hair removal). In my spare time I enjoy reading about our procedures I love learning about new things that I can do in terms of beauty and keeping my skin looking great. Dermaplaning was one of the very first services that I wanted to try.
Dermaplaning is a quick 15 minute appointment where a specialized tool is used to both lightly exfoliate the skin as well as remove fine hairs to leave a fresh, smooth surface behind. Not only did I love the results immediately after, but later on in the evening when it was time to do my normal nightly skincare regimen, my products had less to pass through to absorb into my face. Dermaplaning is now a normal part of my skin care regimen and I try to make sure I get a dermaplane at least once a month.
In addition to this procedure I wanted to treat my skin at a deeper level. Since I had a very busy weekend ahead of me it was suggested to me to try a very light chemical peel. Our Illuminize peel is a chemical peel we offer with a very small amount of peeling but the resulting benefits are amazing! All my life I've had fairly oily skin that seems to make my face feel heavy. Between my Obagi skincare regimen, regular dermaplaning and chemical peels my face feels fresh and bright. I previously had a much deeper chemical peel and peeled moderately on days 3 and 4 of that peel, but with the light Illuminize peel I only peeled mildly on spots where I had active acne.
Needless to say, with two exfoliating treatments my skin looked fantastic for my crazy weekend (mine and my mother's birthday). If you're looking for some beginner treatments to introduce yourself to a better looking (and fuzz free) face then this is definitely the way to get started!
Jul 1, 2010
My Own Dysport Challenge
As my 25th birthday quickly approaches (tomorrow, AH!) I've been treating myself to preventative-aging procedures to take care of some of the fine lines that I had on my forehead. I was so happy with the results from those treatments I figured it was time to move on. I have a bad case of what I like to call "Jay Leno Chin". The muscle on my chin is so strong that it both makes my chin look larger than it actually is and makes the skin below crease under into an unattractive line that from a profile view can be mistaken for another chin (thanks for passing that on, Dad). Dr. Carol took me into her room and after two small injections I was on my way to subtracting a chin.
The rumor out there is that Dysport has a faster onset than Botox. In our practice we've noticed it's a Coke/Pepsi situation, it works differently for different patients, some people like it better than Botox and vice versa. At first I was confused as far as how many units I needed. Dr. Carol explained to me that I would need 2-3 times as many units of Dysport as I would with Botox, but with the lower price of Dysport will make my final total comparable to Botox. With the current Dysport challege (a $75 rebate!) it gave me the incentive to try this product and decide for myself what worked best for me. Whoever is injecting you (Dr. Carol or Allyson) can give you a better idea of how many units you would need, which product would be best for your body and what is the most cost effective for whatever your budget may be.
I've had the Dysport in my chin for about 3 weeks now and though others may not notice the difference, the way I feel about the way I look is monumental. As far as the "loving it" or "leaving it" put me down for love!
Jun 30, 2010
Medical Grade vs. Over-the-Counter Skin Care
Think of it like buying a new Kate Spade bag at Nordstroms verses buying a Kate Spado bag on the streets of New York. You get what you pay for, so to speak, and with medical grade products you are getting A LOT more! Medical grade products contain the purest form of performance ingredients and are created from the newest technology. Hence, true cosmeceuticals are not sold over-the-counter. Over-the-counter products are often sold at lower prices, but only at the expense of cost cutting in raw materials which ultimately sacrifices the quality and efficacy of the product.
The other major difference between medical grade and over-the-counter skincare is the ability of the product to penetrate the skin. Many over-the-counter products sit on the surface of the skin, while medical grade products penetrate the epidermis to work deeper in the skin. Just like whitening your teeth at the dentist office verses useing whitening strips from Wallgreens - medical grade prodcuts can do so much more than what is available over-the-counter.
Medical grade products are worth it! They are safer, more efficacious, better quality, and proven through science.
Jun 15, 2010
Take Some Time Off...... Your face!
If your fear is going under the knife luckily it's not a necessary fear. There are solutions beyond going under that truly work. Most of us are concerned about the lines that most call the parentheses, the lines that frame your mouth and deepen over time. The best answer for a problem such as this is facial filler. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane will last 6-9 months and can take 10 years off of your face. Plumping up the volume doesn't only have to be around your mouth though. Do you long for Angelina's pout? Filler can also be injected into the lips to keep your smile looking much younger.
As for the crows that are dancing around the corners of your eyes, ward them off with my personal favorite, Botox. Botox usually lasts for about 3 months and luckily injections to treat crow's feet are normally the most inexpensive. Botox injections begin to take effect in less than a week and dermal fillers will show a difference right away.
Injections not really your thing? Well they should be (and again, if you haven't read my previous blogs then you'd know I'm a reformed needle-phobic) and there are a few topical problem solvers that are finally out there THAT WORK. One is SkinMedica's Essential Serum. Although the name seems more like a gimmick than a promise, if the fact that Jennifer Aniston swears by it helps then just know that! The Essential Serum is a growth factor serum that contains antioxidants and peptides, it honestly is 7 skin care products in 1. SkinMedica actually found a way to improve fine lines, wrinkles, tone and overall texture of the skin in a pump action cream dispenser.
Another "essential" product is the Clarisonic Opal. Anyone out there in the internet world have a Clarisonic Brush? Same company. How about a Sonic Care Toothbrush? Same company. And if that isn't enough for you to go out any try one I'm not exactly sure what to tell you. The Opal comes with two packs of Sea Eye Serum. Both packs last you a total of 90 days, the device has a charging base that can hold a charge long enough for you to go on your summer vacations without having to over pack your make up bag. The device itself is about the size of the palm of your hand and has a button on the side that times out 30 seconds for each of your eyes. Use it for the fine lines around your eyes, and even though this is an off label hint, some of the girls around the office have been using it for the fine lines and wrinkles around their mouths.
So if you're truly looking to take some time off, maybe vacation isn't the answer (come on, the wrinkles we get are from our significant others and our kids anyway right? You know you'll just get more if you all "get away" at once!) Relax at home and start a new skin care routine that will make you look like you've always just come back from a relaxing retreat.
Jun 1, 2010
What my man loves from Timeless Skin Solutions ...
"Shave my neck". How many times has your husband or boyfriend asked, "Will you shave my neck please?" This is not an unreasonable request but I still find myself thinking, sure, I will absolutely shave your neck, when it’s not 10:00 at night and I’m busy finishing up with the dishes, reading a journal article or more likely watching Grey’s Anatomy! It seems to be a source of frustration for him and he has expressed multiple times his interest in getting rid of the hair for good! I am not unsympathetic to my significant others plight. We all know how fast hair grows, some of us shave in the morning and by the end of the day we think to ourselves, did I really forget to shave my legs again? Laser hair removal is the perfect solution for removing unwanted hair from men’s necks, backs and shoulders. It’s also perfect for us women to remove unwanted hair from our lips, chins, bikini area and legs just to name a few!
Amanda’s boyfriend … Clarisonic Brush
Men tend to have thicker oilier skin and significantly larger pores than women do. Basically, this means in order for men to keep their pores clear and their skin healthy and looking good men really need to cleanse their skin morning and night, although as we know many men do not take the time to do this. I have one of "them" at home who much to my utter dismay has been known to wake up in the morning and head out the door without even washing his face. His biggest hesitation is mostly time versus using products that he views as feminine. Needless to say, a regimen comparable to mine or yours is just not going to happen! Much to my surprise the one “product” I use and was unable to stop him from using is my Clarisonic brush. In his words " It’s just easy to use and I can tell a difference when I use it." The Clarisonic brush can actually be used in the shower where most men like to wash their faces anyways. It is waterproof and holds a charge for up to a week so it’s not inconvenient or time consuming in the least.
Kristy’s husband … SkinMedica’s Essential Serum
I have been using SkinMedica’s Essential Serum for over a year now and I absolutely love the results. I combine it with my Obagi skin care routine and I could not be happier with how my skin looks. I guess my husband feels the same way because I have noticed that my products seem to keep migrating over to his side of the bathroom sink. Not only did I notice the movement of my products but I also noticed that his skin really looks great. He loves the Essential Serum because it is the perfect product for men. Why? It's simple, one pump, once a day. What man wouldn’t love the ease of that skin care routine? Not only is it easy but they WILL see results! Don’t let them fool you, men like to look refreshed and rejuvenated too!
Allyson’s husband … Laser Hair Removal
My husband has been dealing with hair removal on his back and shoulders for all of his adult life...until he met me! After getting him into the office for a series of laser hair removal he no longer has to struggle with "manscaping" and all the annoyances that go along with it. And, what's even better than that is I no longer am stuck shaving his back every time the summer rolls around or it's time to go on vacation! Truly a win/win for the whole family!
Lynsey’s boyfriend … Laser Genesis
My boyfriend recently had a work related accident that left what I believed to be a small scar above his right eye. He was very self conscious about the scar and decided to come to Dr. Clinton. Even with one laser genesis treatment, he's thrilled that the scar is less noticeable and is already feeling much better about something that I barely noticed. This treatment also led him to start asking questions about the products that I was using for my face. Even though my bottles of Obagi product are emptying more quickly because my boyfriend is discretely using my product, I'm glad that between the products I have at home and the treatments he's scheduling in the office that he's feeling better about himself (and maybe I can even get him in here for the things I want him to try out!)
Sun Safety Information and Tips
Sun safety tips for everyday
Please be sure to do multiple layers of these tips on days that have a UV Alert.
Remember the "S" for sun safety:
Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
Slap on a hat that protects your face, head, neck and ears.
Seek shade.
Slide on some sunglasses. Recommend sunglasses that reflect or filter out 99-100 % of UVA and UVB light, with wavelengths up to 400 nanometers (nm). Sunglasses which meet this requirement are often labeled as "UV 400.
A UV Alert is issued when the UV Index forecast is 3 or above, a level that can damage your skin and lead to skin cancer. The higher the index value, the greater the potential for damage to your skin. Extra care should always be taken between 10am and 3pm when UV levels reach their peak.
Please note the following conditions that increase the amount of UV light:
1. Time of day (peak 10am-2pm)
2. Reflective surfaces such as water or snow and sand
3. Cloud cover has a small diminishing effect on UV radiation
4. Closeness to equator
5. Altitude
Always make sunscreen part of your daily skin care routine!
May 25, 2010
How to Look Flawless on the Fairways
Whether you are attending the tournament or just looking for a little skin rejuvenation, Dr. Clinton and the staff at Timeless Skin Solutions recommend the following treatments:
Skin looking a bit dull?
We recommend a SilkPeels. SilkPeels are the only procedure featuring Dermalinfusion.™ The benefits of being treated with a SilkPeel verses a typical microdermabrasion is that it is a non-invasive exfoliation and delivery of skin-specific solutions that leaves you with fresher-feeling and better-looking skin. The SilkPeel is unique because it does not use crystals or other abrasive particles that can irritate the skin and cause micro-tearing which can allow bacteria florish under the skin. It is a safe and painless way to give yourself a refresher allowing you to achieve optimum results on an accelerated basis without the downtime associated with more invasive procedures. Although Dr. Clinton recommends these be done every 4-6 weeks, many patients also use this as their go to treatment before an event!
Check out this video to learn about the science behind the SilkPeel procedure.
Are wrinkles getting you down?
Botox and Dysport are great quick fixes for erasing those unwanted lines. These products can take up to a week to take full effect so plan accordingly.
Need a lift?
Lose of volume around the mouth, lips, cheeks and eyes are a telltale sign of aging. Dermal fillers such as Restylane, Perlane and Juvederm are perfect quick fixes. Results are immediate but there can be some bruising with this procedure. Allowing time for potential bruising to dissipate is important if you are planning to use a dermal filler before an event.
Let Dr. Carol and the staff at Timeless Skin Solutions help you look flawless on the fairways this tournament season!
May 17, 2010
Why I Love My Opal
Read below to hear what they have to say …
Kristy Suttle
I’ll admit – I was skeptical!
A sonic infusion device that improves the area around the eyes ... seriously?
Even though I was skeptical, I do love new “toys”, so I started using it. Much to my surprise I really loved the way it felt on the eye area. The word I would use to describe how it feels on the eye area is stimulating! Even more impressive were the results. Specifically I saw an improvement in my dark circles, skin texture and fine lines. Given the change to the fine lines around the eyes, I have even started using the Opal around my lips to help prevent lines from forming. Please note this is off-label use of the Opal but I simply couldn’t resist! So far, so good!
Mary Beth
The Clarisonic Opal is perfectly named! Similar to the precious stone, this product is truly a GEM! If you have fine line or puffiness around your eyes, you NEED the Opal. The instant results are quick and easy to see, but with continual use, the benefits are truly amazing. In addition to the eye area, I have found the sea serum to be of great benefit to the fine lines around my mouth. Stop in to try out the OPAL today. You'll be glad you did.
I have been using the Clarisonic Opal around my eyes for about 3 months now and love it! I use one drop for each eye every morning and before bed. As many of you know, I have a new baby at home and as a result have seen an increase in puffiness under my eyes. After just one week of using the Opal, I started to notice a difference, and after about 2 months I could see dramatic improvements in both the puffiness and fine lines under my eyes. My under eye area is now totally smooth!
Apr 23, 2010
Spring Clean your Skin Care Routine!
- Switch to a lighter moisturizer to accomodate for increasing temperatures and increased oil production in the skin
- To reduce the risk of acne breakouts due to increased sweating in the summer heat, add a toner or consider switching to a toner with 2% salicylic acid. All skin types can also benefit from routine use of a glycolic scrub which will increase exfoliation, encourage cell turnover and keep the pores clean.
- Tailor your use of Retin-A to accomodate for your skin's increased skin sensitivity to the sun. Some patient's take a Retin-A vacation over the summertime, while others switch to a Retinol product which is safter to use during times of frequent sun exposure.
- Try substituting an anti-aging serum instead of a moisturizer becuase they are lighter-weight than creams and lotions.
- Try a monthly Silk Peel (microdermabrasion) to rejuvinate the skin without increasing it's sensitivity to the sun.
And, don't forget to maintain your skin even though you are busy with the kids home from school and summer vacations. We have developed a maintanence package which is the perfect way to prolong the effects of your laser treatments and prevent further damage. The best part of the package is that it is a total "no-brainer." You simply come one a month for a Silk Peel, Chemical Peel, IPL or IPL/laser genesis treatment. We have spaced the treatments so you will be receiving the ideal effectiveness from each. In total, the maintanence package constains 6 Silk Peels, 4 IPL treatments, 2 laser genesis treatments, and 2 Chemical Peels. And, the best part...we grouped all of these ideal treatments together and discounted it by 25%!!! Depending on the areas that we are treating, you can save between $650-$1275 a year!
Details of each treatment are below:
Silk Peel: Resurfacing technique using a dual approach to microdermabrasion that combines exfoliation with the infusion of solutions to revitalize your skin. The gentle exfoliation combined with the cool, soothing delivery of solutions gives twice the results as standard microdermabraion. After the 15 minute SilkPeel, your skin will have an immediate radiant glow that leaveing your skin looking healthy and renewed. No downtime
Chemical Peel: Surface dead and damaged skin cells are removed bringing about a more youthful and radiant appearance. Skin cells are forced to turn over at a more rapid pace increasing cellular renewal and slowing down the aging process. The depth of a peel can be modified for each individual's need and focused on presenting problems and lifestyle considerations. Minimal social downtime with 2 days of dry/flaky skin.
Apr 15, 2010
show details Mar 3 |
For many of us, it takes a “major event” to spur us into action. For me, it was the wedding of my son, Christopher. I took a long look in the mirror and was sad and embarrassed by the condition of my skin. The sun-time I so loved had left my skin a mess. I realized that it was time to take action or spend countless hours trying to cover up and conceal - NOT a pleasant thought. Thankfully, I chose to address the problem, which led me to Dr. Carol and Timeless Skin Solutions.
When I am asked “what is your favorite treatment?” the answer is easy – IPL! Those were the first magic words that Dr. Carol said to me! She explained that through a series of IPL treatments – Intense Pulsed Light my sun spots and discoloration would fade and reveal fresh younger looking skin..... AND IT DID! I was thrilled with my results.
This easy, no down-time treatment helped take years of sun damage off my face.
If you are a sun-worshiper with regret, you spend time looking in the mirror thinking “how did I get here?” or if you would like to freshen up, but can’t take time out for down time, IPL could be the answer.
If you would like to learn more about IPL, or other treatments please contact me at Timeless Skin Solutions.
Apr 9, 2010
Mad Money
If you're like me, you despise tax season. I normally do my own taxes because in my mind I just cannot justify paying someone to tell me what I should be paying someone else. With the way the economy is today even Jim Cramer is making mistakes. I'm pretty sure he's still kicking himself for not investing in NetFlix.
With all of the things that we can be wrong about when it comes to our money one thing that you can never go wrong with is spending it on something that makes you feel good. Televisions and computers are outdated within weeks, clothes only fit a certain way for so long, and make-up and hair products expire before you make the life change to really use them everyday. So after sifting through all of the things that might not be the best idea what are we left with? Our skin and our bodies! You'll only have your one body and of course our skin changes with us. Here are some of my favorite ways that Timeless can help you make you feel good about spending your return (or making yourself feel better after you've had to pay the government!)
Botox: If you read my last blog (and if you didn't, shame on you, I was told it was entertaining) then you know how thrilled I was with my results. I'm about to begin month three and my strong eyebrow muscles still haven't been giving me the terrible wrinkles that I was used to frowning at in the mirror. The injections are incredibly quick and if you've been furrowing your brow since January over the IRS, furrow no more and save yourself the future wrinkles!
Chemical Peels: I cannot rave enough about chemical peels (and the fact that they're 20% off through April 16th doesn't hurt either!). I had my chemical peel on a Thursday evening and by Monday morning I can't count how many compliments I received not only about how my skin looked, but some people didn't even know what was different about me! My favorite quote: "Lyns, I don't know what you did differently, but you look really great", and keep in mind that the compliment didn't come from my significant other who is required by relationship law to compliment me. Expect to peel on days 3 and 4, but with a light peel I was comfortable with being out in public house hunting and grocery shopping.
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): I adore this treatment! I'm a fair-skinned, freckle-faced, reddish-hue hair colored mess. The IPL procedure helps to even out skin tones, hyperpigmentation (freckles, sun-damaged skin), and reduces redness. My favorite part was there was absolutely no down time. I was out and about within ten minutes of my treatment, if you're even a little concerned with how you'll look, my fair skin was a tiny bit pink, as if I had a slight sunburn. The color on my face faded quickly and my freckle count seemed to go down after a few days.
Laser Hair Removal: The sun is shining, skin is showing and honestly, that means you might need to shave everyday and how annoying is that? I personally have not done any laser hair removal, but it's something I'm ridiculously interested in because of the results I've seen on others. My mother has had laser hair removal previously and is very happy with how her treatment area turned out. Now hair "removal" is best described as a permanent hair reduction. The biggest thing to remember when you are having this treatment is not to wax or pluck the area your unwanted hair dwells. The laser fixates on the pigment of the hair. The easiest way to do a quick self check on whether or not your hair is appropriate for laser removal is if the hair itself is darker than your skin. Unfortunately hair that is blond or gray/white would not have the same results as brunette or black hair. So shave away but don't pluck! If you want some more great info about laser hair removal check out Amanda's blog from last week!
So while you're finishing up all of your tax forms (and make sure anything you send is postmarked by tax day, because that's another headache you don't want) think about all of the great things you can do for yourself. And Jim Cramer might think he knows everything about your money, unless it's about Verizon becoming a mainstream cable provider (a 2008 prediction if you're curious) or how it truly is better to invest in something solid, like yourself.
Apr 5, 2010
Truth Time: I Have a 5 O’clock Shadow

For me, summer time means tank tops, bathing suits, and warm starry nights – nowhere in this romantic picture do I ever envision dealing with a 5 o'clock shadow on my armpits. This is hardly what I would call attractive. Shaving is tedious, can leave behind uncomfortable ingrown hairs, and when I shave in the morning, I'm already dealing with the beginning of little dark hairs starting to grow back by night fall…..maybe even by lunch time.
Since working at Timeless, I have been lucky enough to receive treatment for this little problem o' mine, and the results have been fantastic. Because of the way it works, you need at least 5 treatments to successfully reduce your hair growth, and the benefits honestly outweigh the minor disadvantages.
So, what are the advantages?
1. No more hair!! Need I say more?
What are the disadvantages?
1. It isn't painless – People say it feels like a rubber band snapping against your skin, and I think that's a fair assessment, but in my head I compare it more to someone touching your skin with a hot lighter for a second. Not quite the same image that a cute little rubber band gives you, but that's how I see it. The good thing though, is that the pain is very short-lived, we give you numbing cream to put on before you come in, and in 10 minutes (about how long it takes to have your underarms treated) you're in and out of here and you can go on about your day and forget it even happened.
2. It cannot treat hairs without pigment - So if you have light blond hairs or white/gray hairs, you are not a candidate for laser hair removal. It is unfortunate, but because the laser is removing the hair by targeting the pigment in it, the light hairs you have will not go away.
All in all, laser hair removal is 100% worth your time and money. Anything that means saying goodbye to annoying stubborn hairs and hello to smooth and silky skin once and for all sounds good in my book.
Mar 29, 2010
The Staff at Timeless Shares their Chemical Peel Experiences

Last week the Timeless Skin Solutions staff treated themselves to chemical peels. Read their stories ….
Kristy Suttle
When it comes to chemical peels I have always thought Samantha Jones from Sex and the City and her crazy red face! For those of you who watched the show, you know what I am talking about! With the image of Samantha in my head I had serious concerns, ok maybe even fears, about getting a chemical peel. I was relieved to learn that while there are peels that can leave you looking like this, there are also milder peels that do a great job of freshening up the skin.
My chemical peel experience went as follows:
While Allyson applied the chemical peel I experienced a slight burning sensation. This was followed by itchy skin for several hours later. I took a Zantac, yes the medicine for heartburn, to stop the itching. My skin was pink the day I received the peel. The following day my skin looked pretty normal. Day 3 and 4 my skin was peeling and flaking but looked fine as long as I kept a bit of moisturizer on it. The key is to have a moisturizer that does not irritate the skin at this point. I used SkinMedica's TNS Ceramide Cream. I am now on day 5 and my skin looks glowy and radiant! I plan to make chemical peels part of my overall skin care plan!
Amanda Logan
My skin has been uncharacteristically broken out lately and I've actually been pretty down about it – I was lucky enough to never have suffered from acne in the past, so this has been an interesting lesson for me. Allyson suggested that I do a SkinMedica Illuminize Peel to start out because I'm not very "good" at the kind of peeling you have to go through with the deeper peels. The Illuminize is a really light, superficial peel that doesn't actually make you shed all that much skin. It has alpha hydroxy acids, phytic acid and salicylic acid and then Allyson topped off the peel with some retinoic acid to give it a boost. The retinoic isn't always added with this peel, but I'm glad she chose to do so because I think it has given me a better result. Today is day 3 of my peel, and I'm still a little peely, but my skin is way smoother than before and all of my zits have dried up! This probably isn't the peel for a more severe acne patient, but for someone who wants a quick pick-me-up, little downtime, and smoother, clearer, more rejuvenated skin, it's definitely the way to go.
Allyson Sterling, PA-C
Staff Education at Timeless Skin Solutions: Chemical Peels
Each month at Timless Skin Solutions we have a staff meeting where I take some time to provide staff education over one of our treatments, products, or dermatologic issues in general. This past month we reviewed chemical peels because everyone at the office was getting them! Below are some of the specifics (probably more detail that you want to know!) of what our staff education entailed.
Chemical peels can be used on the face, neck and body, including the décolleté and back. Chemical peels can be used to treat a wide range of skin conditions. Some of these include: acne and mild scarring, a more youthful, refreshed and radiant appearance to skin texture and tone, restored sun-damaged, wrinkled, or blotchy skin and younger, tighter and fresher looking skin. It is important to note that chemical peels cannot treat all issue; deeper lines, wrinkles and other flaws will require additional intervention.
Mechanism of Action:
Chemical peels are used to improve the skin's appearance by applying a chemical solution to the skin, causing the top layers of skin to dehydrate, separate and peel off removing the skin's damaged outer layers. The precise formula and depth of a peel can be modified for each individual's needs. Patients will note immediate improvement after 1 peel, and dramatic results after a series of peels with little downtime.
Comparison to other treatments:
We can enhance the results of a chemical peel with laser/light-based rejuvenation techniques, or combine with another procedure, such as dermal fillers or Botox. In comparrison to microdermabrasion or Silk peels, chemical peels utilize a chemical solution which is applied to the skin to remove the surface tissue. During a microdermabrasion we use a mechanical method to achieve a similar result. The goal of both procedures is to rejuvenate and exfoliate the skin. A chemical peel, however, has the ability to go much deeper than physical microdermabrasion.
Treatment duration:
During a chemical peel, most patients experience a warm to hot sensation that may last about 5 to 10 minutes and may be followed by some stinging. The skin will become pink/red, which is followed by scaling that lasts three to five days. Sometimes Retin A or alpha hydroxy acid is used to pre-treat the skin. This thins out the skin's surface layer, allowing the chemical solution to penetrate more deeply and evenly.
Patientswho are allergic to salicylates or aspirin should not receive a chemical peel. Other patients who are not candidates for a chemical peel include patient's taking Accutane, pregnant or breastfeeding patients, patients with excessive sun exposure, patients with active herpes simplex, warts, history of keloidal scarring, or patients who have recently waxed or used a depilatory such as "Nair" or "Vaniqua." There are several complications that could occur following a chemical peel. Do NOT ever pick or pull at the flaking or peeling skin, it can cause scarring or an infection. Certain skin types also have a risk of developing a temporary or permanent skin color change. Hyperpigmentation (excessive coloration) and hypopigmentation (lack of pigmentation) can be problematic of misdiagnosed skin types, failure to reveal any skin problems or ethnicity and improper post-peel care.
While chemical peels are a wonderful tool to refresh, rejuvinize and improve skin texture, quatity and tone, they do have their limitations. Chemical peels cannot tighten loose or sagging skin, remove deep scars, change pore size or remove broken blood vessels on the face; however, the procedure may improve the appearance of these conditions.
We are all big fans of chemical peels here at Timeless Skin Solutions!
Mar 22, 2010
What's in your bag?

Vacations can be fun, exciting and let’s not forget…stressful!
Today is the day before I embark on my vacation, a western Caribbean cruise! I am trying to get my bags packed, my camera and ipod charged and not forget any of the items I cannot live without. Last week I asked the other Timeless staff members to not only give me advice for packing, but to let me know what products they cannot live without! Most of us are on a full skincare regimen, and with airport security, it is tough to take it all! Take for example one of our patients who had their full Obagi regimen in their carry on and when stopped by airport security and told to “throw it away” she said she would rather miss her flight!
So what should you take on vacation?
Here is what our staff has to say:
Allyson Sterling
My last trip was to Grand Cayman. I don't leave home without my Clarisonic Brush! The charge lasts about 3 to 4 weeks and I would be lost without it. I also packed my Skin Medica Facial Cleanser, which removes make-up and cleanses skin all at once. My other must-haves include Obagi's 20% Vitamin C, a great antioxidant to help balance out the damaging rays of the sun, and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with SPF, a great 3-in-1 product to moisturize, protect and promote healing for sun exposed skin.
Kristy Suttle
My last trip was to Drummond Island, Michigan located off the Upper Peninsula. My bag contains no make-up because it is an extremely relaxed vacation in rustic cabins on Lake Huron - besides after using Obagi and Latisse I don't feel the need for cover-up or mascara! The things I would not travel without ... my Clarisonic Brush, sunscreen and skincare products (Obagi and Skin Medica Essential Serum).
Mary Beth Estwanik
This is easy … My next trip will be to Bermuda. My bag will include my Clarisonic Brush and my new Opal!! Next in goes my Obagi Gentle cleanser and toner, Elastiderm eye cream, Obagi sunscreen 35, TNS Essential Serum, and SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with 20 SPF. Last but not least, my Latisse. Jane Iredale liquid mineral makeup, blush and assorted cosmetics complete my bag. To keep the sun off my face I always have a big beach hat in my carry on. My best travel tip. If it is important to you --- make certain it goes in your carry-on bag. It's AMAZING how many things you can fit in one of those roll on bags!
Amanda Logan
My last trip was probably to Spain? I can't remember because it’s been so terribly long since I went anywhere but I am going in August so I can let you know what I will be taking with me! I always pack a good moisturizing cream for the plane ride because my skin gets dried out …I like SkinMedica’s Dermal Repair for my face and Chapstick (my favorite-is l'occitane with shea butter). I don't travel anywhere without my Clarisonic Brush - the best part is that it holds a charge for up to 3 to 4 weeks. I will also bring along SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer because it is a moisturizer and sunscreen! Once on the ground, in the humid climate, I would use my Clarisonic every day, the Anthelios Shaka SPF 60 for my face and the Anthelios 60 for my body. For the evenings I would choose something light like SkinMedica’s Ultra Sheer or Hydrating Complex!
Lynsey Strouse
My last trip was to New York this past Thanksgiving. I was not working at Timeless Skin Solutions at the time so in my bag I brought as many tubes of Chapstick that I could find because it's ridiculously windy between those massive buildings! My next trip is to Las Vegas. I will bring lots of sunscreen because with my fair skin I will need it!
Dr. Carol
My last trip was to Georgetown with my daughter for a college visit. Quite simply, when I travel I always have in my bag a Clarisonic brush, Essential Serum and Obagi products.
Kate Amicon
As you read this blog post I am on my way to the Caribbean! I have taken with me my Obagi Clenziderm products, SkinMedica’s Ultimate Daily Moisturizer, SkinMedica’s Hydrating Complex and of course the Clarisonic Brush…which by the way I will pack in my checked luggage and not in my carry on because the last time I put it through the scanner... I received the weirdest looks!
Attention Spring Breakers!

Spring Break Travelers Take Note!
STOP the use of your retin A, retinol and hydroquinone about 5 days before departure if your destination is to a sunny location! These creams make your skin more sensitive to the sun and let's face it, those of us that live in Ohio have not been exposed to repeated days of direct sun for months now!
The specific products that you need to be aware of include the following:
- Tretinoin is a Retin A.
- Differen or Tazorac, these are retinoids.
- Epiquin is hydroquinone in the Skin Medica system.
- Obagi #3, #5 and #6 are hydroquinone in the Obagi system. Note that there is a #6 in the Obagi system that is a pure sunscreen. If you are unsure which Obagi #6 you have please check for hydroquinone as its active ingredient.
You should resume these products when you return from vacation. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Timeless Skin Solutions staff at 614-799-5100.
While out in the sun, remember to seek shade, wear a hat and keep your sunscreen applied! Don't forget to pack your Clarisonic brush and Opal – you will miss them more than your dog!
Mar 1, 2010
Roots and Skin Care Have More in Common Than One Would Think...
“How do I keep my skin looking healthy and radiant!?”
The reason looking at my hair got me thinking about this questions is because someone once told me that maintaining your skin is much like coloring your hair.
Right now I am about one month over due for an appointment with my hairdresser. I know this because I have 1.5-inch roots, and somehow I did not realize it until today! Of course, I may be the only person to notice, but if I don’t “maintain” the color, the highlights grow out, they fade, and my hair looks dull. Similarly, if you do not maintain your skin, it may look ruddy and on the day of an event or romantic holiday, you may look in the mirror and wonder…how did I just notice this?!
Here are some suggestions to those wondering how to achieve healthy radiant skin...and how to maintain it!
Establish a daily regimen:
The most basic at home regimen consists of using a medical grade facial wash, toner, exfoliant and a moisturizer. Depending on your concerns we will add or take away from this regimen. Sun Screen that protects against UVA/UVB rays are important anytime you go outdoors, the UVA/UVB rays cause wrinkles and damage to the DNA of your cells causing sun damage.
Make a monthly pit stop: recharge your skin!
In the office, we recommend regular Silk Peels/microdermabrasians and chemical peels at least twice a year. Men and Women who want to enhance the appearance of their skin can also take advantage of non-invasive procedures such as Botox, Dermal fillers and rejuvenating laser treatments that we offer.
Feb 24, 2010
The New Girl
First I had my consultation with Allyson (our PA-C) and not only did I feel comfortable talking about what I see as physical short-comings (which is a pretty big deal for me, outgoing on the surface, but in all honesty a fairly closed off person underneath) but she was honest about what I could and couldn't do to fix things I was concerned about. We figured out a skin care regimen to get rid of some moderate acne (yay Obagi!) and started to delve into actual procedure options. For me this was not only foreign in my world but incredibly scary. What if I don't look like me when we're done? You can't reverse Botox, you just have to wait it out. IPL? You think we should laser my face?! Why would you want to laser my face?!
After she explained how the procedures she recommended and the ones I was interested in worked it was time to move on to some of the actual treatments. I was still a little skeptical about how a laser would feel on my face and how I was going to handle injections in my forehead considering my needle phobia. The IPL was going to refresh my face take away some of my dead skin just to give me more of a fresh start. It was a warm feeling and just made me a little jumpy every time I was "zapped". After we were done with that I had just a slight redness but it was nothing compared to some of the epic sunburns I've had on my fair skin. And the redness disappeared within a half an hour.
Next, the big one, Botox. I'm a person that has a lot of movement and expression in my eyebrows. Only being 24 I had already accepted the fact that as I age I was probably going to be cursed with deep wrinkles in my forehead and between my eyebrows (or the "elevens" as I learned they were called). I laid down and when I was told how many units were being injected I was pretty shocked to know how much I needed. In reality though the number of units is actually more than the number of needles actually needed for the injections. A small relief for the needle-phobic. All I could really feel was gloved fingers on my forehead, 95% of the time I had no idea needles were going into my skin unless I could see it right above my eyes. It was an amazing learning experience that I'm incredibly thankful for.
Bottom line for all of the readers: you don't need to be afraid of needles, consultations or procedures here at Timeless. There were even some procedures that I was interested in that in my initial consultation Allyson told me were completely unnecessary. In addition to loving my new job it's nice to know that there are still businesses that are more interested in the best interest of their employees and patients and not the extra stuff they can slap on.
Looking forward to meeting all of you as you come into the office!
Feb 22, 2010
Pump up the volume!

It is a simple fact that as we age we lose facial volume. This loss of volume tends to be the most noticeable around our mouths, eyes and lips. Although Dr. Carol has injected filler into my nasolabial folds, which run from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth, as well as under my eyes, I had not yet tried filler in my lips. To be honest the thought of having filler injected into my lips was scary! I was fearful that I would look like either Lisa Rinna or Daffy Duck – neither of which was very appealing to me.
Even with the thoughts of Lisa Rinna rolling around in my head, every time I looked in the mirror I was very aware of my disappearing lips and I really wanted to do something about it.
The plan … I decided to trust Dr. Carol, as I have so many times before, and have my lips injected. Dr Carol injected 2 ml of filler into my lips and around my mouth. Was I scared? Yes, but I knew I was in good hands with Dr. Carol as she is a top injector of filler in the area.
The result … I could not be happier! My lips look fantastic! It’s just as the Timeless tagline reads: “Look like yourself only better”. Perfectly stated. My lips don’t look crazy, actually they look perfectly natural. I followed both the pre and post procedure instructions and had minimal bruising and swelling. As soon as I get someone in the office to take an after photo I will post my photos. Feel free to stop in the office and check out my new lips!
If you have any questions feel free to call our office or you can contact me directly at
Feb 17, 2010
Acne Management
Many people, young and old, male and female suffer from acne. Acne breakouts range from low inflammatory bumps and papules, to more severe inflammation with deep, red, protuberant cysts.
Commonly used over-the-counter products are frequently ineffective, and tend to dry out the skin, causing rebound oil production rather than cure the underlying source of the breakout . Medically directed skincare provides a proven advantage over these over-the –counter options. These products are purchased with a medical license and have a higher percentage of active ingredient to treat to area of concern.
For all skin types, Clarisonic has an at home ultrasonic cleansing brush which helps with deep pore cleansing. For dry or sensitive skin, cleanse with an mild cleanser, followed by a beta-hydroxy (salicylic acid) preparation in the form of a toner or lotion, and moisturize with a vitamin B hydration lotion. For very oily skin, the amount of acid in your wash can be increased. If your breakouts are isolated to just the forehead or shoulders, it may be a reaction to a hair product. It may also be pityrosporum, which responds to anti-fungal treatment.
If you have acne, it’s best to avoid wearing makeup if you can. But if you must, choose a makeup with a mineral base, such as zinc and magnesium, which have a calming effect on the skin. When you buy makeup, ask if it’s preservative-free, so that it soothes your skin and doesn’t clog pores.
If acne is not resolving with the above measures, silk peels and/or chemical peels are the next step. Both help prepare the skin by removing its surface and uncovering the follicles so that topical preparations can be absorbed. These two treatments can be done together for a quicker response, but the resulting dryness and peeling will be more noticeable.
Remember, when treating acne, it may get worse before it gets better. Two days after a chemical peel, the skin will flake and acne can flare for about two weeks. A skin cycle is 28 days, so you won’t see the full effect of any treatment for about a month.
If you have greater acne inflammation, or significant cyclical breakouts, you can try light-based therapies. These include a series of blue light treatments to absorb a by-product of the bacteria in the skin or Levulan with photodynamic therapy. Following Levulan, the skin will redden, peel and flake for about 3-7 days. Acne may flare after the first treatment, but a series of three treatments usually results in permanent changes to the skin. This treatment is also effective for cancerous and pre-cancerous lesions.
Prescription topical or oral antibiotics can be effective with used in conjunction with topical treatments. Commonly used antibiotics include clindamycin, erythromycin, and minocycline. Azaleic acid also has antibacterial activity and can improve hyperpigmentation that sometimes occurs with acne. Topical retinoids, such as Retin-A™ and Differen™ are also often prescribed. Oral contraceptives and Spironolactone can regulate hormone-related breakouts. Accutane™ is reserved only for the most severe cases of acne that haven’t responded to other therapies. This is a drug with potentially serious side effects, and all the facts should be considered before initiation of this regimen.
That clear skin you dream of can be reached. Be patient and remember that there is help for acne today!
Feb 14, 2010
What would Dr. Clinton do?
Feb 8, 2010
TSS Investigates - DIY Botox

If anyone knows that value of a dollar, it’s me! I’m a coupon-clipping, rewards card-holding, price comparing and negotiating, black Friday shopping maniac! But one sacrifice I would never make – putting my health in danger just to save a few bucks. In my eyes, it’s just not worth it.
I came across an article the other day from the Lincoln Journal Star reporting on a burglary at a plastic surgeon’s office. It was your typical, everyday robbery – “…stolen items included a flatscreen TV, a laptop computer, two digital cameras and cash…” and “…six boxes of botulinum toxin type A,” AKA Botox! Wait a second, did I read that correctly? They stole $3,150 worth of Botox? What would two of Lincoln’s finest do with Botox vials?
“Well you know people are illegally selling Botox on the internet now?” Kristy later informed me. That sparked my interest – and I immediately started my search to find Botox for purchase online – without a prescription & without an MD at the end of my name.
I discovered a fantastic article by Lorraine Fisher from the, with, what I think, is quite a show-stopping title “ : The terrifying new trend that could paralyze, blind or even kill you.” I mean if that doesn’t scare you, what would?
Lorraine did all the leg work for me – she researched sites online where you can purchase Botox and actually bought some. It seemed so easy - she simply searched “buy botox”, a website appeared, she selected three vials and headed to the online check-out. The Botox soon arrived, without any instructions on how to transform this gel-like substance into the liquid Botox we all see when at our physician’s office. (In case you aren’t aware, Botox is actually shipped in solid form and the physician combines that with sodium chloride before injecting a patient).
This might seem all fine and dandy up to this point – but let’s just bring to light some of the more “shady” things Lorraine ran into during her purchasing experience. The first, and most obvious red light is the fact that you can only pay with Western Union or Moneygram transfers. And even further, the money was to be sent to some lady with a fake name in Chisinau, Moldova. If Western Union asked you what the money was for, you were told to lie and tell them the money is “…for your relatives or for a friend in need.” Lastly, another little known fact about Botox is that it must be kept cold – in fact it’s packed and shipped in dry ice when sent to our office from Allergan. But was Lorraine’s illegitimate botox packed in ice? Nope, it was sent in a plain old envelope, so after all that, if by some miracle the product she received was really Botox, by the time it got to her, it wasn’t good anymore.
As I read through more articles, what seemed to interest me the most was not the physicians’ opinions on DIY Botox but instead the comments left by the public about the subject. Comments ranged from one end to the other; from citizens concerned for those who would take such a drastic step just to save a few bucks; to comments defending these online illegal drug stores; to those who think we should just all mind our own business and let people do as they please. I even saw a post from a past employee of one of these websites claiming her innocence of the whole situation.
I'm not trying to make up anyone's mind about this - after all, from what I've read, this seems to be quite a touchy subject - but I just don't see how risking your life is worth saving some money. Like any prescription you receive, there are possible side effects of Botox, side effects that are hightened when you aren’t fully trained to be dispensing the drug.
Allergan (makers of Botox) suggest seeing "dermatologists, plastic surgeons, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists (ear, nose, and throat doctors), or other physicians specializing in cosmetic procedures [because they] are generally more experienced." On the Botox website doctors are listed for your convenience based on zip code so you can be sure you are seeing a trained, experienced physician.
So why take the risk?
" The terrifying new trend that could paralyse, blind or even kill you"
"DIY Botox: Site Offers Injectable Drug Without Prescription - With How-To Video"
Botox Cosmetic Official Website:
Jan 26, 2010
No More Make-Up!
I am now 3 weeks post my Pearl laser procedure with Dr. Clinton and I am LOVING the results! Not only are my fine lines smoothed out, my texture improved and my pore size reduced, but my hyperpigmentation has also vanished!
I can't tell you how good it feels as a new Mom to have the priceless luxury of not having to take the time to apply make-up every morning. To be able to spend 5 extra minutes playing with my new baby instead of standing in front of the mirror getting ready for work. To be able to snuggle cheeks with my little girl before leaving the house and not have to worry about what toxins from my make-up are getting on her fresh baby skin. What a gift!
Thank you Dr. C! The gift of 5 extra minutes in the morning is INCREDIBLE!!!
Jan 21, 2010
NEW PRODUCT ALERT - The Clarisonic Opal! - How Do Our Patients Feel About it?

Clarisonic, the makers of the Clarisonic Brush [a staff favorite!] just came out with a brand new product using the same gentle micro-massaging movements as the Clarisonic Brush & the Sonic Toothbrush, but geared toward your under-eyes. Although the product was just released on Tuesday, our office was lucky enough to receive a sneak preview of the product about 30 days ago. We were given some Opals for us and some of our patients to try out before the product was even on the market!
We asked our “test” patients to supply us with some basic feedback of the product, based on 7 simple questions;
Was the product easy to use?
Was it difficult to add to your normal skincare routine?
Did you see immediate results?
Did you apply other product(s) either before or after use?
Did you like the serum that came with the product?
Did you use any other product in the opal, instead of the serum?
Do you have any major complaints?
At a quick glance of the responses, the feedback was great! The product was easy to use and effortless to add into a normal skin care regimen. It seemed that the big amazement for everyone was the immediate results you could see after using the Opal. One patient exclaimed, “Actually, much to my surprise…I could see an immediate difference in the reduction of small lines around my eyes!” Based on feedback, the best time to use the Opal seems to be after cleansing as you apply your facial moisturizer. Instead of patting in the eye cream you currently use, simply switch over to the Opal and in the same amount of time, you can expect immediate “plumping” of the skin around your eyes.
Another praise we heard from our patients is the futuristic appearance of the Opal itself. Not only of the sleek outer shell, but also in the trendy design of the charger – even being compared to the Wii remote charger. One patient loved “the magnetic click you hear when you set the Opal on its charger base.” Some did experience a little confusion when first setting up the charger, because it is so different than most product chargers in the industry – and for that very reason we have an Opal laid out in the office so you can play around with it before you take yours home!
A specially formulated Anti-Aging Serum is included with your purchase. The Opal has not been clinically tested using any other product besides this serum – but we know how attached some are to their eye creams (myself included with the TNS Illuminating Eye!) - so we were interested to see if some of our “test” patients used their favorite eye product instead of/or in addition to the serum. Every patient liked the serum included, noting that “It has a very nice consistency and smell to it. Very cosmetically elegant,” and “…it's smooth and disappears quickly.” No one seemed to use one of their products in the Opal, in place of the serum, but instead just used their favorite eye cream before use, and then continued with the regimen after use (i.e. Essential Serum, sunscreen, Vitamin C).
I know what you all are wondering - were there any complaints? Not one patient had a MAJOR complaint about the product, just a few small concerns or unanswered questions. First of all, one patient showed interest in learning more about the serum itself; what ingredients are in the serum and what went into the development of this serum to work hand-in-hand with the Opal. We went straight to Clarisonic for that answer, and here it is:
Ingredients include, “…Key marine and botanical ingredients to hydrate (Trehalose); to firm and tighten (Glycosaminoglycans and Kigelia Africana Extract); and to soothe and protect (Canadian Willowherb). As well, our serum has a natural preservative derived from naturally occurring substances and is Paraben free.”
Other patients expressed a need for more instructions on use, “…how much pressure to add or how to rotate…because it's so different from the Clarisonic Brush and it's close to the eye.” That is a great question, and based on our experience, both with the Clarisonic Brush and so far with the Opal; pressure is not really needed. What’s so great about the Clarisonic Brush is that the sonic vibration shakes and lifts dirt and bacteria out of the skin without much pressure at all. Same with the Opal, the gentle vibrations will plump and softly infuse the serum into your under eye area – doing all the work for you, no need to add additional pressure!
Another question that frequently arose was the expectation of how long the serum will last and how many applications you should expect with each serum. The answer there is - 180 applications, 90 per eye at twice a day – so you can expect the serum to last you 45 days. If you choose to use the product once a day, then obviously you will see a longer life from the serum – it’s up to you and your face!
Now for some fun! What other advice or insider information did our patients have for future Opal users?
“…it is great for when your sinuses are full after a nights sleep and you want to reduce the puffiness under eyes!”
“I shared the Opal with my husband before a party for instant plump!”
“The Opal is really great for travel… It's small, looks good and comes with a great little bag. “
“I am going to use the Clarisonic on just one of my eyes for the next few months. I will do it in the morning everyday after I wash my face with my regular Clarisonic Brush.” – Stay tuned for some before and after pictures!
After you try out your Clarisonic Opal – please let us know how you like it! We would love to hear your thoughts and I’m sure those interested in buying the product would love to hear them as well!