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Dec 14, 2009


Frequently, I am asked the youngest age that I will treat a patient. I currently have a patient who is quite young (under age 10) who has asymmetry of her smile. 2 units of Botox, every three months, even out her smile and make it easy for her to be just another kid in grade school. So, there is not an age that is "too young", but rather one where it becomes "just right." Botox is a great treatment for men and women alike. Call the office and we'll help you figure it out. From now until the end of the year, we are running a special. Give yourself a treat, a lift, or just a refreshed look during this busy holiday season!

Oct 21, 2009

I Feel Bad About My Neck

There has been a lot of buzz in our office surrounding the hilarious and introspective read, I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman by Nora Ephron. We love the honest way she looks at life and aging, and she reminds us all that every once in a while we just have to laugh at ourselves and try to enjoy the ride. One of our favorite passages from the collection of essays relays a conversation Nora has with herself that seems all too familiar, You can put make up on your face, concealer under your eyes and dye on your hair. You can inject Botox and filler into your lines and creases; however your neck remains a dead giveaway. You have to cut open a redwood tree to see how old it is, but you wouldn't have to if it had a neck." Now, that’s undeniably humorous - but it brings us to a very important question, “What can I do about my neck?” There are a few options that we offer at our office for just that concern. We consider the best option to be the Titan 3D laser treatment. Titan works by using infrared light to travel through your skin and down to the deeper layers. In doing this, the light actually tightens the collagen architecture in the dermis. One of the many upsides of this treatment, in comparison with others, is that although some redness will probably occur immediately after treatment, there is minimal pain involved and absolutely no downtime. With the Titan treatment you should expect to see some subtle results within a few weeks, but the full results will be seen in about six months. Initially, two treatments of Titan are performed about two weeks apart, and some patients may want to do a single maintenance treatment at about the two year mark.

While the Titan is ideal for patients who are concerned with lax or sagging skin, some patients may want to have more immediate results. Many people aren’t aware of this, but Botox is actually used in the neck to relax the muscles and soften the horizontal ‘necklace lines’ and vertical ‘platysmal bands’. This is a great alternative for someone whose concern isn’t so much skin laxity, and who is looking for rapid results. Many patients choose Botox for these concerns as preparation before a big event. However, the results from the treatment will only last for a period of about three months, and would then need to be repeated to maintain.

So, ladies and gentleman, while we do not encourage you to have bad feelings about your neck, we definitely want you to know that if you do; you have options.

Sep 22, 2009

Allergan , Inc Given Warning by FDA: Latisse

Patients have been enjoying the effects of using Latisse since its FDA approval in December of 2008. Since that time there has been a wave of promotional material released as Allergan’s product, Latisse has gained popularity. Allergan has some wonderful marketing materials, and the results that we have seen are phenomenal. However, we should not let that overshadow the fact that Latisse is most certainly a prescription medication and that as with all Rx’s there are risks or side effects associated. The warning given to by the FDA to Allergan had to do with the fact that their promotional materials did not given prominence to the side effects, not that new side effects or other more serious problems have been encountered.

Timeless Skin Solutions & Latisse:
Our patients have seen extremely satisfying results in lash enhancement. The most common side effect that our patients have experienced is an initial redness or itching around the eyes for up to one week, but patients should know, as with any other RX a rare allergic reaction may occur.

Possible side effects:
Specifically for Latisse these include: redness or irritation, bacterial eye infection, allergic reaction, excess hair growth outside the intended treatment area, permanent changes in iris and eyelid pigmentation.
For your protection and to decrease the risk of an adverse reaction visit a physician’s office and never purchase medical grade products off the internet.
*If you feel that you are having an adverse reaction: Intolerable itching, redness and tenderness that lasts over one week, rash ext. Discontinue use and call your physicians office immediately. The physician or staff should document this reaction and be able to send it in to Allergan for review.

Sep 17, 2009

Think You Can be Too Young for Botox®? Gen Y Says No.

According to Fox News and, girls are now starting to have regular Botox® injections at a younger and younger age as preventative treatment for wrinkles. Here at Timeless Skin Solutions we can attest to that. Two of our young employees, age 23, have started using Botox®. Kate, who used to be bothered by the deep hereditary creases in her forehead, has been getting injected for the past year and loves the smooth results. Amanda, concerned with crow's feet that have just begun to show, started to get injections as a preventative measure, and has also been very pleased with the outcome. Timeless even has Botox® patients as young as 11, one of whom uses just a few units to correct an uneven smile. So, how exactly does Botox® prevent wrinkles? Try thinking about it like this: When you crumple up a piece of paper and flatten it out, the lines remain visible on the paper. You can think about your skin in the same way. Botox® works by relaxing the muscles under the skin, thereby stopping the wrinkling effect you see on the skin's surface. Botox® is a safe and effective way to address fine lines, wrinkles, and slight imperfections for people of all ages.

See the complete article here:,2933,542061,00.html


Jun 30, 2009

Starting Today: Buy One Get One 50% Off!!

Purchase any product and get your second product of equal or lesser value 50% off. Don’t delay, as this offer only applies to in stock items. Special runs until July 15th and cannot be combined with other offers.

Jun 25, 2009

Calling all Sun Lovers and Reformed Sun Lovers

So maybe you haven’t done the best job with sunscreen this summer, or in your youth. You can reverse aging with medication. Move over Botox!

Who would think that you could treat both cancer and wrinkles at the same time? A new study out from the University of Michigan has shown this is possible!

A chemotherapy drug used to treat colon, pancreas and head and neck cancers has also been shown to reverse the signs of aging. In a small study that included 21 patients, researchers found that the drug, called fluorouracil, reduced the appearance of sun-damaged areas after being applied for just two weeks, the Daily Telegraph reported. The research from the University of Michigan shows that the drug works by causing damage to skin cells, forcing the body to rebuild them, in much the same way as laser treatment.

The study involved volunteers between the ages of 56 and 85 who applied cream made from the drug to their skin twice a day for two weeks. After the two weeks were up, dermatologists reviewed before and after pictures of the patients and found the cream had reduced both fine and course wrinkles, as well as age spots.

Fluorouracil is already used as a prescription skin treatment for actinic keratosis, which is a precancerous skin lesion that is caused by frequent and intense exposure to the sun. The findings are published in the journal Archives of Dermatology.

Other medications are available to help reverse the signs of aging, while at the same time treating actinic keratosis. A common laser procedure when combined with Levulan, a topical medication, can achieve similar results. Downtime for flourouracil will extend through the course of treatment and until healing is complete about a week after completing the course. The Levulan treatment, known as PDT, has about a 3 day period of downtime. Both treatments can be repeated over time. You can use them on the face or other areas of the body. So you pick: PDT or flourouracil and you are on your way to healthier, more youthful skin!

May 7, 2009

2nd Annual Education Event and Raffle on May 8!

Get informed on how to improve and maintain your skin. Educational forums presented at Timeless Skin Solutions to include makeovers from head to toe, get your car detailed at the same time and makeover your body with a Boot Camp by Fitness Edge. Come on Friday, May 8, 10am- 1pm to win the following fabulous prizes and learn more about good health.
Look Flawless on the Fairways Event
with Timeless Skin Solutions
this Friday, May 8, from 10am - 1pm

Makeover your skin, body, hair and car! Over $10,000 including in Raffle Giveaway!

Grand Prize Giveaway includes:

Timeless Skin Solutions
. Up to $4000 in laser services on one body area of your choice
. 80 units of Botox
. 2 syringes of dermal filler
. Skin care products specific to your skin care needs

Fitness Edge Training - 3 day boot camp

Hair Resources - $200 hair make over

Park Detailing - Executive Car Detail, a dealership oil change and a
full tank of gas!

At least 12 other gift baskets will be given away during the event
. Botox and Juvederm
. Latisse
. SkinMedica products
. Clarisonic Brush
. Full Obagi Kit
. NIA24 products
. Fitness Edge 3 day boot camps
. Express Car detailing
. Complements Interiors
. Recipe Express Catering

Save 10 percent on appointments and products purchased at the event!

RSVP or 614-799-5100.

*must be present to win

31 South High Street, Dublin, OH
See for more information and parking

Apr 20, 2009

Look Flawless Event

Review the videos of our Before and After Event from last year! This year promises to be even better in our new location in Historic Dublin! Win a clarisonic brush, get your visia skin care analysis, win botox and win juvederm, or think big and win a makeover! This is an event not to be missed. Food, gift bags and 10% off any service or product purchased during the event 10am-1pm, Friday, May 8. Learn how to look flawless for the Memorial Tournament and you will look flaweless for the summer! RSVP if you are coming. Bring a friend and RSVP for her/him as well! RSVP to


See what Visia can do for you! Come into the office for your free skin care analysis!!!

Feb 1, 2009

New Hope for You!

We had an exciting event on the evening of January 22 from 5-7pm. Our vendors, as well as our staff, took the time to educate our patients on ways to save money, time, and look better in the new year! Here is a short video of our raffle and you can see how much fun we had! If you missed this event, be sure not to miss the next!