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Nov 9, 2010
7 Day Diary of a Chemical Peel
Day 1: Allyson applied the chemical peel at the end of my work day. It's a quick and fairly simple process that involved Allyson washing my face and applying several layers of a chemical solution. During the entire process she check pointed with me to insure that I was comfortable. Within a timeframe of about 10 minutes I was done with instructions that I should wait about 5 hours and then I could wash the chemical solution off my skin. In that first 5 hours I did experience some itching, however it was nothing that a glass of wine didn't help.
Day 2: My face appeared a bit pink but other than that I don't think anyone would know that I had done a chemical peel one day earlier. I passed on wearing make up and instead just applied SkinMedica's Ceramide cream.
Day 3: A repeat of day 2.
Day 4: Let the peeling begin. I first started to peel around my mouth and on my chin. All fears were diverted. I did not kook like some reptile shedding their skin, instead my skin was just very lightly flaking off. I was in the office but choose not to wear makeup. Again, I just kept my ceramide cream close by to conceal my flaking skin.
Day 5: More flaking but still not in the fashion of a reptile.
Day 6: With most of my peeling complete I decided that my Clarisonic brush was the perfect answer to loosen and remove any remaining peeling skin.
Day 7: Results as advertised! My skin is glowing. I have that fresh, dewy look to my skin. Would I do it again? You bet. Will I share my secret with my friends? Of course! Am I going to make this part of my maintenance routine for my skin? Why wouldn't I? A chemical peel is quick, painless, affordable and produces results!
Check out the Timeless Skin Solutions website to learn more about chemical peels and other skin rejuvenation options.
Nov 4, 2010
A "Timeless" Weekend
I do NOT travel much, which is why I packed a small suitcase for my conference with what I thought would be the bare minimum for three nights. I had a few business casual dresses, the token workout clothes and bathing suit, which were never used, my hair straightener, a bag full (okay two bags full) of toiletries, makeup and my Timeless skin care products like my favorite SkinMedica Aha Bha cream which I use religiously.
In this tiny suitcase I also fit other non-negotiable items like a large bottle hairspray for my newly cut bangs that I DO NOT know how to style correctly and a some paper and pens for writing lots of good notes! I was extremely proud of myself for fitting everything I needed into one small suitcase because that meant I could avoid checking my bag.
When I arrived at the airport I started to panic because although I planned on not checking my bag, I did not really think about what that meant. I kid you not, I started to sweat. What did I even pack? All of my skin care products have to be over the 3oz limit. Would I have to leave them behind? Would I have to pick and choose what to keep and what to get rid of?
Of course everyone knows what is bag got stopped during the security process at the Columbus airport. This always happens to me. I must have had a look of guilt as I wonder if they are going to dig around in my bag and find my tweezers. They were not concerned with my tweezers, although they should have been because anyone who owns a pair of tweezerman tweezers knows that they could substitute for a weapon in a pinch....pun intended!
They were also not concerned about my skin care products…thank god because I would prefer to miss my plane over throwing those babies out. I actually know someone who politely told security at the airport that she would rather miss her plane than throw out her skincare products because they cost more than her plane ticket.
What did not make it through airport security was the aerosol hair spray. Since I don’t know how to style my bangs anyway, I will just pin them back. Crisis averted. Throw it out!
I got to the hotel late Thursday evening and I was exhausted but excited for the weekend to begin. I was not only excited to go on this trip because it meant 2 nights at an amazing hotel and fantastic views of Carlsbad (although that didn’t hurt ☺), I was also looking forward to meeting the people responsible for making some of the products that Dr. Clinton and all of us at Timeless Skin Solutions really believe in. I was not disappointed. It ended up being a great opportunity for me to further my knowledge regarding skin care, acne and anti-aging in general, but it also provided me with the opportunity to talk with the SkinMedica’s research and development team about the science and clinical studies behind their products. During the course of the weekend I spent hours getting advanced training on all things skin…It was great to learn different uses and applications for various skin rejuvenation ingredients and products which we at Timeless will pass along to our patients.
The staff of Timeless Skin Solutions is committed to give our patients the best in non-surgical, skin rejuvenation options and will continue to attend training seminars not only in Columbus but in other parts of the Country. Personally, I have to say that attending a conference on skin care, knowing that I will be able to help Timeless patients look their best, did not seem like work!
Let me share more of what I learned with you personally. Contact me at to setup a skin care consultation so Timeless can keep you looking and feeling your best.
James Krone, SR. Director of Sales at SkinMedica and I at the dinner reception after the seminar!
Soon to be posted….Two Timeless employees journey to Hawaii for a continuing education seminar
Sep 24, 2010
50 at 30 - to keep me 30 at 50!!!
Botox and Dysport are both injectable solutions used to smooth wrinkles which are caused by muscular contraction. And, yes, they both work and they are both great! Both products work by temporarily relaxing the muscles of facial expression which are responsible for drawing the skin together and creating lines or wrinkles.
We use Botox and Dysport to treat frown lines between brows, fine lines on the forehead, eyes and lips, as well as “bunny lines” on the sides of the nose, the fine lines around the mouth and chin dimpling. Among other things, these products can also be used to smooth “necklace lines” and prevent the lines that result from the down-turning of the mouth. The treated muscles will progressively relax over the course of the several days following the injection and will reach their maximum degree of relaxation within about 5-10 days. The effects of Botox or Dysport gradually start to wear off between 2-3 months after the injection and most patients find that to maintain their treatment they need to be re-injected about every 3 months. As always, these figures can vary greatly depending on the patient.
At Timeless Skin Solutions, the cost of Botox and Dysport is priced by the unit rather than by the area as some other practices do. Each patient has their own individual needs for optimal treatment and we feel that each patient’s needs are best met with the exact amount that is appropriate for each patient's unique situation, i.e. muscle strength, patient desires and severity of lines or wrinkles.
So, what are the differences between Botox and Dysport? Well, to be honest, not too much! Botox has been used effectively for cosmetic purposes in the United States for many years, whereas Dysport’s approval for cosmetic use has been more recent (although it has been used safely for many years throughout Europe and many other countries worldwide). However, while they are similar in function, they are not the same drug. They have different dosages and may effect patients differently. While both compounds have good patient satisfaction, some patients have noticed clinical differences such as duration of onset and duration of effect.
Thank goodness for Botox and Dysport! Here’s to smooth, healthy and beautiful skin!
Sep 16, 2010
Don't go to bed naked!
Let me clarify. Feel free to wear, or not wear, whatever you would like on your body, but when it comes to your skin listen to the doctor's orders.
What does Dr. Clinton suggest?
Dr. Clinton recommends her patients apply a product that contains Vitamin A to their skin on a regular basis. Vitamin A is a key ingredient in skin rejuvenation and anti-aging products. Dr. Clinton is very excited about SkinMedica's new Tri-Retinol Complex ES.
What's so great about this particular product?
Tri-Retinol Complex is clinically proven to repair and regenerate the skin. With three forms of vitamin A in a retinoid formulation of 1.10% this product will:
- Diminish the appearance of fine lines and coarse wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.
- Stimulate cell regeneration and cellular turnover to enhance skin tone and texture and reduce age spots.
- Encourage improved skin elasticity and firmness and minimize collagen loss.
Sounds pretty amazing, right? Well to be honest it is!
I forgot to mention that Tri-Retinol Complex gradually releases into the skin delivering all the benefits of a traditional Retin A product without the skin irritation Retin A's are known for. This is truly a new favorite of the staff at Timeless Skin Solutions.
Want to know more? Ask Dr. Carol
or stop into the office.Sep 9, 2010
Special Life Moments
Jul 26, 2010
As a new Mom, efficiency is KEY! The most I can get done in the least amount of time is my constant goal. That's why Skin Medica's TNS Essential Serum and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer with SPF are two of my faves! They both pack a powerful punch by combining multiple ingredients into one product. Beautiful! TNS Essential Serum is an AWESOME anti-aging product and TNS Ultimate Daily Moisturizer is the perfect daytime sunscreen. Both are staples in my skincare regimen!
Kristy’s Pick …
I’m a gadget person so my favorite products have to be my Clarisonic Opal and Clarisonic Brush. Honestly I was doubtful that either could make a difference in my skin but they have!
Don’t believe me? Stop in the office and check out my 47 year old skin! It looks pretty darn good.
I use the Clarisonic Opal morning and night around the eye area – and when I am out of the eye serum contained in the Opal I simply use my Obagi Elastiderm Eye Gel - another favorite. After I am done with the eye area I move on to my upper lip area. Although the Opal is designed for around the eye I figure it can’t hurt to infuse a little product into the upper lip area where women my age start to form lines!
The Clarisonic Brush is perfect to remove that extra layer of sunscreen I have been applying to my face all summer along with any dead skin cells that need a bit of help sloughing off. Better yet the products I am using can penetrate my skin better making them 30% more effective.
The best is that you can buy them both this week and save $113!
Amanda’s Pick …
I have been dealing with small breakouts off and on for about 6 months now and it took quite a while to find something that worked well for my skin. After trying to self medicate and do things my way, I took Dr. Clinton’s advice and found haven in the SkinMedica Acne Toner and the Derma-RX Blemish Spot treatment. I have to be honest, someone with more severe and persistent acne problems would probably need a more revved up skin care regimen, but this turned out to be the perfect combination for me. The Purifying Toner contains 2% Salicylic Acid and is gentle and non-drying. I use it twice a day right after washing and it leaves my skin with a nice tingly clean feeling. The Blemish Spot treatment is a really neat little concoction made of Sulfur, Salicylic Acid and Zinc Oxide. I use it at night before bed and just sleep in it, and if I wake up with a new pimple I put it on while I’m getting ready and take it off before putting on my makeup. It really dries up my pimples fast and I love it!
Kate's Pick ...
I have always had acne prone skin, so thick luxurious moisturizers or sunscreens are on my list of things to avoid. It wasn't until I came across SkinMedica’s AHA/BHA Cream that I was able to introduce a moisturizer into my life! This cream boasts the power to exfoliate, revitalize and protect skin with a combination of 15% alpha-and beta-hydroxy acids as well as antioxidants. I started using it at nighttime to help with some of the texture and dryness that I was getting from other acne fighting products and now I’m hooked! It is basically a blend of both glycolic and salicylic acid delivered in the form of a moisturizer. I use it 1-2 times daily and notice that it not only provides my skin with the hydration it needs but has made my makeup go on smoother as well.
Jul 15, 2010
Freshen Up Your Face!

Putting on foundation can be a blessing and a curse. It can temporarily cover up uneven skin tones, be a great base for eye make up, or if you're like my two male roommates, it's a great thing to take from my make up case to cover up a zit before a date (of course they never remember to return it!). For me, unfortunately, it can also cake onto the fine blond "peach fuzz" that I have on my face. Considering that lasers used for hair removal are unable to remove these fine hairs I was okay with just ignoring this minor annoyance (to be removed by a laser, hair you want removed must have pigment, so blond, red, gray and white hairs are not good candidates for laser hair removal). In my spare time I enjoy reading about our procedures I love learning about new things that I can do in terms of beauty and keeping my skin looking great. Dermaplaning was one of the very first services that I wanted to try.
Dermaplaning is a quick 15 minute appointment where a specialized tool is used to both lightly exfoliate the skin as well as remove fine hairs to leave a fresh, smooth surface behind. Not only did I love the results immediately after, but later on in the evening when it was time to do my normal nightly skincare regimen, my products had less to pass through to absorb into my face. Dermaplaning is now a normal part of my skin care regimen and I try to make sure I get a dermaplane at least once a month.
In addition to this procedure I wanted to treat my skin at a deeper level. Since I had a very busy weekend ahead of me it was suggested to me to try a very light chemical peel. Our Illuminize peel is a chemical peel we offer with a very small amount of peeling but the resulting benefits are amazing! All my life I've had fairly oily skin that seems to make my face feel heavy. Between my Obagi skincare regimen, regular dermaplaning and chemical peels my face feels fresh and bright. I previously had a much deeper chemical peel and peeled moderately on days 3 and 4 of that peel, but with the light Illuminize peel I only peeled mildly on spots where I had active acne.
Needless to say, with two exfoliating treatments my skin looked fantastic for my crazy weekend (mine and my mother's birthday). If you're looking for some beginner treatments to introduce yourself to a better looking (and fuzz free) face then this is definitely the way to get started!